Our Dental Clinic offers all kinds of Maxillofacial Prosthetic services, which provide prosthetic rehabilitation for those suffering from any congenital (by birth) or any acquired maxillofacial ( Jaw bone or Oral ) defects, such as cleft lip or palate, tumor resection defects, and trauma. Our prosthetics team headed by Dr. Anish Goyal works with you to create a unique treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.
Ocular Prosthesis
Customized Eye-Ball (artificial eye) prosthesis to replace contents of the orbit following an enucleation, evisceration, or orbital exenteration. This prosthesis fits in the orbit under the eyelids

Orbital Prosthesis
An orbital prosthesis replaces the eyeball, and eyelids and may include skin area depicting an eyebrow, medial lateral parts of the orbit, nose, and some part of the cheek. The Ocular (eyeball) part is made from acrylic (plastic) and the skin part of the prosthesis is made from medical-grade silicone and customized according to the skin tone and skin texture of the patient.
Maxillary Obturator
These are the prosthesis used to cover congenital or acquired palatal defects after maxillectomy. Obturators help to cover maxillary defects thus preventing food from entering the cavity. It helps in swallowing food and improves speech. Definitive obturators contain teeth which helps in chewing food.

Speech Bulb Prosthesis
As the name suggests, this prosthesis helps in restoring optimal speech in palatal defects. Prosthesis provides an artificial soft and hard palate to provide a roof for the tongue. The tongue articulates with this artificial palate and improves speech.
Mandibular Guide Flange
Prosthesis helps in guiding lower jaw in its chewing position after surgical resection of mandibular jaw. This guide flange is positioned on lower jaw to help in chewing food and correcting jaw position.

Questions about our services? Reach out today to learn more.
Case Diary

Artificial Eye-Ball

Ocular Prosthesis

Removal of Eyeball

artificial eye ball prosthesis

Removal of Orbital contents alonhwith Eye-Ball

Orbital prosthesis retained with Spectacles

Maxillary resection

Maxillary obturator

Deviated Mandibular Jaw

To Guide Mandible into Occlusion

Obturator replacing Dentition

Commonly Asked Questions about Maxillofacial Prosthesis
What are Maxillofacial Prosthetics?
These are prosthesis to replace missing parts or covers part of the face and mouth and orbit post-resection. It includes Maxillary obturators, mandibular guide flanges, ocular prosthesis, orbital prosthesis, ear prosthesis, jaw opening devices, nose prosthesis and facial obturators.
Which Kind of Material is better for Maxillofacial prosthesis?
Maxillofacial Pr
Process of fabrication of Prosthesis
1. Consultation
Oral health is assessed, and an OPG scan is taken to evaluate the quality and quantity of the bone. The treatment plan and costs will be discussed.
2. Surgery
Depending upon the scan, implant size is selected and placed in the jaw bone.
3. Implant Integration
The implant integrates with the bone, called ‘osseointegration’, and can take up to 3-6 months, depending on the treatment and patient’s general health.
4. Restoration
The phase where the crown/bridge/denture is created and placed onto the implant. This phase may require multiple appointments.
5. Aftercare
It is imperative that you follow an improved hygiene regime to maintain good oral health and help the longevity of your dental implants.
How much does Maxillofacial Prosthesis costs?
The cost depends on the extent of treatment and the type of prosthesis. Prosthesis costs vary according to Metal, acrylic, or silicone prosthesis. If you need to find the cost of a particular type of prosthesis, please write to us @ contact@dentalarch.in or Call us @ 8447554137